I have just realized that sitemeter has the following data published about my visit, in a searchable and browsable format:
Searchable my behind! I looked into what it would take to use this to, for example, unmask Clippy, and it was less usable than the marginal next-best strategy.
(JoshuaZ) I’m also curious why you would be interested in promoting the unmasking of users.
I think you are more interested in avoiding the unmasking.
Anyway, you are right that sitemeter is not very convenient for this task, but the data is there. And unmasking is not the only possible application. Right now, it is publishing the fact that I looked at Quirrell’s and JoshuaZ’s user profile. And I might have just figured out Eliezer’s current IP address. (Okay, maybe it was somebody else who tried to visit Eliezer’s password-protected drafts page. Wait, is Eliezer writing a post?)
Searchable my behind! I looked into what it would take to use this to, for example, unmask Clippy, and it was less usable than the marginal next-best strategy.
I’m curious what the marginal next best strategy is.
I’m also curious why you would be interested in promoting the unmasking of users.
I’m curious what the marginal next best strategy is. I’m also curious why you would be interested in promoting the unmasking of users.
Not all users, just the few I happen to be curious about. And no, I won’t say anything more about what the marginal next-best strategy is other than that I’m immune to it too, and −1 Quirrell point for asking.
Searchable my behind! I looked into what it would take to use this to, for example, unmask Clippy, and it was less usable than the marginal next-best strategy.
I think you are more interested in avoiding the unmasking.
Anyway, you are right that sitemeter is not very convenient for this task, but the data is there. And unmasking is not the only possible application. Right now, it is publishing the fact that I looked at Quirrell’s and JoshuaZ’s user profile. And I might have just figured out Eliezer’s current IP address. (Okay, maybe it was somebody else who tried to visit Eliezer’s password-protected drafts page. Wait, is Eliezer writing a post?)
I’m curious what the marginal next best strategy is.
I’m also curious why you would be interested in promoting the unmasking of users.
Not all users, just the few I happen to be curious about. And no, I won’t say anything more about what the marginal next-best strategy is other than that I’m immune to it too, and −1 Quirrell point for asking.