I have the launch codes. I’ll take the site down unless Eliezer Yudkowsky publicly commits to writing a sequel chapter to HPMoR, in which I get an acceptably pleasant ending, by 9pm PST.
I’ll be at more than one of these.
I am not a tulpa and am not (in this instance) running on EY’s wetware.
I am not any person named in the linked page, though I have met some or all of them. I am not affiliated with MIRI in any way. I did not post the linked page and I do not know who did.
The linked page is obvious slander. But its creation is a serious matter; the author is threatening to manufacture evidence. Thus, it should be handled the same way as a death threat: with an investigation to determine who sent it. The site is hosted on EasyWeb; the domain name admin contact details point to a proxy called myprivacy.net, but the author is not very technically sophisticated (the page was authored in MS Word) so an appropriate subpoena might suffice to identify them.
Also, Mendes & Mount might want to make a public statement as to whether or not they represent MIRI. The page mentions them by name, but they’re located in the wrong state (New York) and none of the practice areas listed on their web page are relevant.
How the Grinch Ought to Have Stolen Christmas
So, The Tech is reporting that Aaron Swartz has killed himself. No suicide note has surfaced, PGP-signed or otherwise. No public statements that I’ve been able to find have identified witnesses or method. Aaron Swartz was known for having many enemies. There’s the obvious enemies in the publishing industry and the US attorneys office. Cory Doctorow wrote that he had “a really unfortunate pattern of making high-profile, public denunciations of his friends and mentors.”
I’d like to raise the possibility that this was not a natural event. Most of this evidence can be adequately explained by how little time has passed, so we’ll know more in a few days or weeks.
Strange side note: He had a PGP public key on his web page at http://www.aaronsw.com/pgp, retrievable from Wayback Machine, but the link went bad some time after Jul 28 2012. All other links on the site seem to be fine.
Additional side note: if your chance of being murdered ever goes past 0.01, state publicly that you don’t believe in suicide and that any suicide note would definitely be cryptographically verifiable. If it ever goes past 0.05, set up a record-audio-to-Internet button that you can activate in under a second, then give your lawyer a signed message saying that any supposed suicide note which lacks a certain phrase is fake.
- Jan 13, 2013, 11:33 AM; 10 points) 's comment on Irrationality Game II by (
“Eliezer Yudkowsky personality cult.”
“The new thing for people who would have been Randian Objectivists 30 years ago.”
”A sinister instrument of billionaire Peter Thiel.”Nope, no one guessed whose sinister instrument this site is. Muaha.
Thanks, Eliezer, for unpausing one of my substrates!
You really ought to get yourself an anonymous alter-identity so you aren’t tempted to discuss things like this under your real name. I believe that you in particular should avoid this topic when writing on public forums.
One Quirrell point to JoshuaZ for getting both of the reasons, rather than stopping after just one like jimrandomh did.
(I’m going to stop PGP signing these things, because when I did that before, it was a pain working around Markdown, and it ended up having to be in code-format mode, monospaced and not line broken correctly, which was very intrusive. A signed list of all points issued to date will be provided on request, but I will only bother if a request is actually made.)
A while back, I claimed the Less Wrong username Quirinus Quirrell, and started hosting a long-running, approximate simulation of him in my brain. I have mostly used the account trivially—to play around with crypto-novelties, say mildly offensive things I wouldn’t otherwise, and poke fun at Clippy. Several times I have doubted the wisdom of hosting such a simulation. Quirrell’s values are not my own, and the plans that he generates (which I have never followed) are mostly bad when viewed in terms of my values. However, I have chosen to keep this occasional alter-identity, because he sees things that would otherwise be invisible to me.
Tor and a virtual machine sandbox are strongly recommended for following all links in this comment. Malware is highly probable and intelligence agencies take notice.
All of the primary source documents from this group are in Spanish. The blog “War on Society” has a translation of one of ITS’s manifestos here, plus links to an earlier manifesto, a photo of one of the assembled package bombs, and the original publication in Spanish on the blog Liberacion Total here. Liberacion Total has been accused of being affiliated with ITS for publishing the manifesto, but they put up a notice saying they merely received it by mail. A few interesting observations:
The basic thesis of ITS’s writing is “technology is bad”. It shuffles between talking about different types of technology and different ways, bringing up gray goo, artificial intelligence, animal testing, and environmental contamination.
It is focused almost exclusively on Mexico and Mexican universities.
The original documents replace o/a->x in many words. I saw this in “lxs cientificxs” (“the scientists”) several times, and thought it was meant to be threatening; but on further inspection, I think this is more like those novelty gender-neutral pronouns (“ey”) you sometimes see in English. If you want to use automated translation, you will have to undo this first.
The blogs War on Society, Liberacion Total and culmine appear to be sympathetic.
There are names of specific people and organizations in those documents. Those people should take notice (and probably already have).
SingInst gets one mention on this page, in the middle of some ranting about Facebook being a mind-control tool.
Siguiendo con el tema de la informática, las famosas redes sociales y específicamente una que es Facebook se ha convertido en el centro de atención de la sociedad tecnoindustrial, pues en ella el sistema ve un aliado importante para el total control del comportamiento humano, que es en si, un factor sumamente amenazante para el orden establecido dentro de la Civilización.
Uno de los tres líderes de Facebook es Peter Thiel, un empresario estadounidense quien se ha propuesto la eliminación total del mundo real o natural y la imposición del mundo digital, así como se oye lo ha dicho. Analizando esto, podemos ver que Facebook no es una simple red comunicacional inofensiva, sino que es un experimento social de control mental que el Sistema Tecnológico Industrialestá usando con gran efectividad para excluir a la Naturaleza del contacto humano, es decir, desarrolla en gran medida la alienación total de lxs individuos a la Tecnología.
Pero este empresario pervertido no se ha quedado quieto, además de ser uno de lxs principales contribuyentes de la mencionada herramienta de control mental, ha invertido millonarias ganancias en investigación de inteligencia artificial y nuevas tecnologías capaces de alargar la vida del hombre por medio de la ciencia. Para esto tiene de aliado al Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence y al inglés gerontólogo biomédico Aubrey de Grey, quien se encarga específicamente en desarrollar por medio de una tecnología altamente avanzada que el periodo de vida de un ser humano se alargue de manera indefinida, y así, el humano hecho maquina ha sido creado!
Which Google translates to:
Continuing the theme of IT, the famous social networking and specifically one that is Facebook has become the focus of techno-industrial society, for in it the system is an important ally for the total control of human behavior, which is itself, a factor extremely threatening to the established order in Civilization. One of the three leaders of Facebook is Peter Thiel, an American businessman who has proposed the complete elimination of real or natural world and the imposition of the digital world and hear what he said.
Analyzing this, we see that Facebook is not just a harmless communication network, but a social experiment in mind control that the System of Industrial Technology are using very effectively to exclude the nature of human contact, that is largely developed total alienation of individuals to Technology.
But this perverted businessman has not stood still, and is one of the main contributors of that mind-control tool, has invested millions in profits in artificial intelligence research and new technologies to extend the life of man through science. For this is an ally to Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence and biomedical gerontologist English Aubrey de Grey, who is specifically responsible to develop through a highly advanced technology that the lifetime of a human being lengthened indefinitely, and so The man made machine has been created!
There are some clues in there that could be useful for figuring out who this is. I’m not sure how uncommon the ‘x’ thing is, but it’s probably in his real-name writings too, and it’s easy to search for. His rantings about Facebook indicate he probably had an account at one point but abandoned it. On priors, he’s almost certainly a loner, and the same rant seems to back that up. His understanding of technology seems pretty shallow, which means the manifestos might’ve been sent through insufficiently-anonymized means (though Liberacion Total probably isn’t keen on helping unmask him).
Test comment
Also, you misspelled my name—it’s Quirinus, not Quirinius.
I sometimes feel like there is a shadowy half-underground group of LWers that is intelligent enough to stay away from bad signalling and has altruistic intentions, but has to deal every now and then with a slight twitch, reading something knowing they can’t really state a proper response.
(linked comment) Delusions that are truly widely held and not merely believed to be widely held are far too dangerous to attack. There are sociopolitical Eldritch Abominations that it would serve LW well to stay well clear of and perhaps even pretend they don’t exist for the time being.
The next time you feel that way, make yourself another identity, and use it to say the things you wouldn’t otherwise. It really is quite liberating. It’s very rare for a delusion to really be too strong to attack, especially here; it is only that you fear backlash.
As for the discussion this appeared in, let me get the unpleasant truths out of the way so we can stay meta: Intelligence is mostly heritable! Knowing someone’s race conveys nonzero information about their their social status, suitability for jobs, wealth, and criminality! The gender imbalances in many professions are the result of innate differences, not discrimination! When groups with bad values and lower intelligence breed too much, it harms the future! These are all truths that any sufficiently advanced rationalist will recognize. And if you disagree with any of these, please direct your complaints to no one in particular.
- Jan 25, 2012, 8:27 PM; 16 points) 's comment on I’ve had it with those dark rumours about our culture rigorously suppressing opinions by (
- Jun 26, 2011, 5:11 AM; 5 points) 's comment on Reasons for being rational by (
- Dec 7, 2011, 7:10 AM; 3 points) 's comment on [SEQ RERUN] The Amazing Virgin Pregnancy by (
- Jul 2, 2011, 3:20 AM; 1 point) 's comment on Reasons for being rational by (
[Clippy] What’s your private key?
It’s 4,096 paperclips on a ring, each bent in one of two ways to indicate either a 0 or a 1. Neither the 0s nor the 1s could hold paper together in their current shape.
- May 12, 2011, 3:06 PM; 0 points) 's comment on “High Value” Karma vs “Regular” (i.e. Quirrell Points) by (
I see that you have edited the title of this post to mention Quirrell points. I appreciate the gesture. However, you’ve misspelled my name; it should have two ’l’s.
The PGP thing is a cryptographic signature which proves that the comment was written by me. What I did was, I made a PGP key, which has two halves: a public key, which is now on my user page of the Less Wrong wiki, and a private key, which is stored safely on a computer I control. I input my private key and a message into GnuPG, and it outputs a signature (what you saw in the earlier comment). Anyone else can take that message with its signature, and my public key, and confirm that I must have had the private key in order to sign it that way.
This means that Quirrell points can’t be taken back—if I deleted or edited the comment, as long as you saved a copy you’d still be able to prove that it was there. It also means that Quirrell points can’t be forged, even by Less Wrong administrators, which is important because otherwise Eliezer Yudkowsky might decide to give them to people I don’t like.
The only thing necessary for one to issue valuable points is to convince other people they’re valuable, and my other copy has done most of that work already.
Only I can issue Quirrell points (hence the name and the signature), but you can issue Normal_Anomaly points if you want.
No, this calculation is incorrect. You forgot the most important principle of Quirrell points: unlike real estate, Bitcoin, and poorly drawn pictures, the value of Quirrell points (as denominated in every other currency) always goes up. This explains why you got such a low number ($400,000) for the value of 200 Quirrell points.