Now that it no longer contains Rationality Quotes February 2014, my last-30-days karma is 75% positive, which is the lowest I can recall it ever being. I take this to indicate that I’m currently too mind-killed to contribute to Less Wrong productively.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will (as a Schelling point) give up commenting or posting on Less Wrong for Lent (defined as from today to 20 April, excluding Sundays, in whatever time zone I am at each given time).
It always amazes me how much weight people give to the very lossy signal that is karma. Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
Honestly, 75% positive seems pretty good to me. In fact, it seems better than my (current) 96%. If I’m not posting at least some things that people don’t like, I’m probably posting too little generally, and not taking enough risks.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will reduce my threshold for commenting or posting each week until I’m at 75% positive karma, and then re-evaluate whether I like that level.
It amazes me how much a single downvote bothers people, yet how little attention they seem to pay to the cumulative measure given by %positive. You may be interested in Phil Goetz’s take.
Your 30 day karma is at 96%, but your overall score is at 89%. Do you see a difference? Added: another way of saying it is 11% downvotes vs 4%: twice as many!
Note that %positive score is the percent of votes, not, say, percent of comments that end up positive. I think you should give more thought to what you should be optimizing for.
Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
It sure is helping with not spending inordinate amounts of time on Less Wrong, given the way I implemented it. (I LeechBlock’d LW on non-Sundays on my netbook and logged out of it on my phone.)
I have looked at your recent comments and, though you have participated in some potentially mindkilling discussions, you also have some downvotes that are completely inexplicable on that account. For example this comment and this comment were both downvoted at least once. I suspect therefore that your karma drop is due to having a mass-downvoting “enemy” as some others have complained of recently. (Though a piece of counter-evidence is that not all your comments have been downvoted, which is the usual M.O.)
Yes, I’ve noticed that sometimes when I argue about Certain Topics with a Particular Individual a few unrelated comments of mine get downvoted for no other apparent reason, but to a much smaller scale than some other people have complained about, so I just pretend to treat it as part of the usual noise of comments downvoted for no apparent reason.
(I’m not sure the downvote on my comment about How the Hippies Saved Physics is part of the same pattern: ChristianKl’s reply was also downvoted, so I just chalk it to someone who disliked the book.)
Now that it no longer contains Rationality Quotes February 2014, my last-30-days karma is 75% positive, which is the lowest I can recall it ever being. I take this to indicate that I’m currently too mind-killed to contribute to Less Wrong productively.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will (as a Schelling point) give up commenting or posting on Less Wrong for Lent (defined as from today to 20 April, excluding Sundays, in whatever time zone I am at each given time).
It always amazes me how much weight people give to the very lossy signal that is karma. Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
Honestly, 75% positive seems pretty good to me. In fact, it seems better than my (current) 96%. If I’m not posting at least some things that people don’t like, I’m probably posting too little generally, and not taking enough risks.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will reduce my threshold for commenting or posting each week until I’m at 75% positive karma, and then re-evaluate whether I like that level.
It amazes me how much a single downvote bothers people, yet how little attention they seem to pay to the cumulative measure given by %positive. You may be interested in Phil Goetz’s take.
Your 30 day karma is at 96%, but your overall score is at 89%. Do you see a difference? Added: another way of saying it is 11% downvotes vs 4%: twice as many!
Note that %positive score is the percent of votes, not, say, percent of comments that end up positive. I think you should give more thought to what you should be optimizing for.
It sure is helping with not spending inordinate amounts of time on Less Wrong, given the way I implemented it. (I LeechBlock’d LW on non-Sundays on my netbook and logged out of it on my phone.)
I have looked at your recent comments and, though you have participated in some potentially mindkilling discussions, you also have some downvotes that are completely inexplicable on that account. For example this comment and this comment were both downvoted at least once. I suspect therefore that your karma drop is due to having a mass-downvoting “enemy” as some others have complained of recently. (Though a piece of counter-evidence is that not all your comments have been downvoted, which is the usual M.O.)
Yes, I’ve noticed that sometimes when I argue about Certain Topics with a Particular Individual a few unrelated comments of mine get downvoted for no other apparent reason, but to a much smaller scale than some other people have complained about, so I just pretend to treat it as part of the usual noise of comments downvoted for no apparent reason.
(I’m not sure the downvote on my comment about How the Hippies Saved Physics is part of the same pattern: ChristianKl’s reply was also downvoted, so I just chalk it to someone who disliked the book.)