It always amazes me how much weight people give to the very lossy signal that is karma. Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
Honestly, 75% positive seems pretty good to me. In fact, it seems better than my (current) 96%. If I’m not posting at least some things that people don’t like, I’m probably posting too little generally, and not taking enough risks.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will reduce my threshold for commenting or posting each week until I’m at 75% positive karma, and then re-evaluate whether I like that level.
It amazes me how much a single downvote bothers people, yet how little attention they seem to pay to the cumulative measure given by %positive. You may be interested in Phil Goetz’s take.
Your 30 day karma is at 96%, but your overall score is at 89%. Do you see a difference? Added: another way of saying it is 11% downvotes vs 4%: twice as many!
Note that %positive score is the percent of votes, not, say, percent of comments that end up positive. I think you should give more thought to what you should be optimizing for.
Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
It sure is helping with not spending inordinate amounts of time on Less Wrong, given the way I implemented it. (I LeechBlock’d LW on non-Sundays on my netbook and logged out of it on my phone.)
It always amazes me how much weight people give to the very lossy signal that is karma. Please do report (on Sundays) whether you think this is helping, and with which goals.
Honestly, 75% positive seems pretty good to me. In fact, it seems better than my (current) 96%. If I’m not posting at least some things that people don’t like, I’m probably posting too little generally, and not taking enough risks.
In an attempt to remedy this, I will reduce my threshold for commenting or posting each week until I’m at 75% positive karma, and then re-evaluate whether I like that level.
It amazes me how much a single downvote bothers people, yet how little attention they seem to pay to the cumulative measure given by %positive. You may be interested in Phil Goetz’s take.
Your 30 day karma is at 96%, but your overall score is at 89%. Do you see a difference? Added: another way of saying it is 11% downvotes vs 4%: twice as many!
Note that %positive score is the percent of votes, not, say, percent of comments that end up positive. I think you should give more thought to what you should be optimizing for.
It sure is helping with not spending inordinate amounts of time on Less Wrong, given the way I implemented it. (I LeechBlock’d LW on non-Sundays on my netbook and logged out of it on my phone.)