If I read things correctly, “a-krasia”, “hypo-crisy”, and “demo-cracy” are all etymologically related via some sort of root word that has something to do with “ruling”.
The absence of rule (in a person). Weak rule (in a person). Rule (of a polity) by the people. This reading suggests terms like “hyperkrasia” which I guess would cash out to something like obsessive compulsive personality disorder from too much ruling?
It would be funny to name the group “Hypocrites Anonymous” :-P
If I read things correctly, “a-krasia”, “hypo-crisy”, and “demo-cracy” are all etymologically related via some sort of root word that has something to do with “ruling”.
“Akrasia” and “democracy” (etc.) are indeed related through that root, but not “hypocrisy”.
“Akratics”, I think.
If I read things correctly, “a-krasia”, “hypo-crisy”, and “demo-cracy” are all etymologically related via some sort of root word that has something to do with “ruling”.
The absence of rule (in a person). Weak rule (in a person). Rule (of a polity) by the people. This reading suggests terms like “hyperkrasia” which I guess would cash out to something like obsessive compulsive personality disorder from too much ruling?
It would be funny to name the group “Hypocrites Anonymous” :-P
Your etymology of hypocrisy is false.
Thanks. What is the correct one?
“Akrasia” and “democracy” (etc.) are indeed related through that root, but not “hypocrisy”.