I was mainly trying to avoid indescriminate use of the word fuck; now I will say, given that the individuals in question are in the habit of greasing up their thin, pliable members before sliding them down some petitioner’s ear canal to excitedly jab and thrust and the pre-existing grey matter, and then leave behind the sticky, congealing remnants of their half-formed ideologies putrefying in the victim’s brain—given all that, it’s true that fuck would be a more appropriate term than rape.
But this is LW, and I’m trying to be all formal and shit.
This is the only comment I’ve ever seen here where I’ve vacillating between voting up or down, rather than just leaving it alone. I can recognize that it’s either really good or really bad, but I can’t decide which one, so congratulations, I guess.
Folks around here will react more positively to “fuck” (which is just profanity) than “rape” (which is not a joking matter to some.) Honestly I think we could use a bit more of your writing style.
The ideal situation here from my perspective would be if you made “Meat Fucker” a link to a relevant wikipedia page, then avoided posting disgusting passages so that people (like me) who collect Less Wrong comments like they’re rare pokemon won’t have to read them.
May I suggest using the term “mindfuck” instead? It seems to already have a relatively well established base of usage and was defined eloquently by terryzz on UrbanDictionary.com as follows:
A process of raping your intelligence; never accompanied by a pre-lubricant; doesn’t leave you with an endorphine high and craving a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich or a cigarette. Rarely are dinner and drinks bought for you before or after the act; most often tried on an unsuspecting victim,penetration has less friction; the perpetrator will rarely call you the next day; A passive-agressive way to get their money shot, no happy ending for you.
“Meatfucker” is good too, but I think “mindfuck” or “brainfuck” is more evocative of the concept.
Google for “meat fucker” (in quotes) turns up your comment, and an obscure 30-minute movie. It can’t be that common a phrase if your comment is already one of the highest-ranking Google results for it, so I’m guessing it’s just a relatively new insult.
Ok, I don’t get this. Is this an allusion to something?
In Ian M Banks’ novel ‘Excession’, the term meatfucker is used as an derogatory term for AIs that violate a cultural taboo again reading human minds.
Well, for a specific AI. No other AIs seems to do this.
Don’t mindreaders have better information than Banks does on whether people want their minds to be read or not?
thanks :D
Bang on. I’ve appropriated the term for any of the brain-raping classes: psychiatrists, politicians, marekting gurus, journalists, etc.
Yeah. Real brain rape starts with the Black Knife Kiss* and goes downhill from there.
*No, you don’t want to know.
I was mainly trying to avoid indescriminate use of the word fuck; now I will say, given that the individuals in question are in the habit of greasing up their thin, pliable members before sliding them down some petitioner’s ear canal to excitedly jab and thrust and the pre-existing grey matter, and then leave behind the sticky, congealing remnants of their half-formed ideologies putrefying in the victim’s brain—given all that, it’s true that fuck would be a more appropriate term than rape.
But this is LW, and I’m trying to be all formal and shit.
[P.S. I think you’re the bees knees Alicorn!]
This is the only comment I’ve ever seen here where I’ve vacillating between voting up or down, rather than just leaving it alone. I can recognize that it’s either really good or really bad, but I can’t decide which one, so congratulations, I guess.
Folks around here will react more positively to “fuck” (which is just profanity) than “rape” (which is not a joking matter to some.) Honestly I think we could use a bit more of your writing style.
“Rape” is not more formal than “fuck.”
The ideal situation here from my perspective would be if you made “Meat Fucker” a link to a relevant wikipedia page, then avoided posting disgusting passages so that people (like me) who collect Less Wrong comments like they’re rare pokemon won’t have to read them.
related comic
Hit ‘Next’ to see the followup, also related.
May I suggest using the term “mindfuck” instead? It seems to already have a relatively well established base of usage and was defined eloquently by terryzz on UrbanDictionary.com as follows:
“Meatfucker” is good too, but I think “mindfuck” or “brainfuck” is more evocative of the concept.
The first use of it I encountered had a positive connotation. Apparently there are very conflicting schools of thought on the matter.
Looks like the viewpoint-changing, not necessarily a bad thing meaning might have been the original one.
It could be a reference to GCU Grey Area, an “eccentric” spaceship/AI from the novel Excession.
Google for “meat fucker” (in quotes) turns up your comment, and an obscure 30-minute movie. It can’t be that common a phrase if your comment is already one of the highest-ranking Google results for it, so I’m guessing it’s just a relatively new insult.