Would it be fair to summarise your post thus: “aid to the poorest people on earth is an ineffective way to create utils, it is better to invest in western businesses” ?
The first half of your “summary” is a utilitarian framing, and the second half is a recommendation of investment in the West. Neither are anywhere in the post. So no, this is not a fair summary.
My two-sentence summary would be:
Effective methods rely on a tight feedback loop between action and results, which is best provided by a market. Wealth is a function of productive capacity, which requires investment, which requires consumption to be foregone, so the route to a richer tomorrow is through consuming less, not more, today.
You’ll note that all these concepts are mentioned in the post, rather than surreptitiously snuck in from outside.
The first half of your “summary” is a utilitarian framing, and the second half is a recommendation of investment in the West. Neither are anywhere in the post. So no, this is not a fair summary.
My two-sentence summary would be:
You’ll note that all these concepts are mentioned in the post, rather than surreptitiously snuck in from outside.