[Question] Thoughts on the relative economic benefits of polyamorous relationships?

I have a limited desire to pursue polyamory, but I have a strong inclination that when properly managed, a stable polycule would be far more economically efficient.

Has any serious literature (books, studies, ect) been published on this question? Any thoughts?*

Off the top of my head:

Advantages of Monogamy:

  • Less of risk of STIs

  • Generally More Stable (data is lacking, most likely due to the stigma surrounding polyamorous relationships naturally creating response bias, but it seems intuitively correct that it is more difficult to maintain the relationship).

  • Sanctioned by society at large (especially relevant for public-facing careers and familial inheritance)

  • Less Time Intensive/​Easier to Arrange

Advantages of Polyamory:

  • Allows you to easily influence more people (ie: gain social capital)*

  • More people = more efficiency in general (Buying in bulk, sharing living space, etc).

  • More opportunities for intercourse

Edits to steer the conversation in a more productive direction + Footnotes:

I know this is far less common in the wild, but I also want to discuss a form of polyamory which is a strict, potentially contractual agreement similar to marriage, in which each party agrees to abstain from extra-polycule relations.

*On point one for the advantages of polyamory, the idea is that it is easier to influence the decisions of romantic partners than friends (on average) is a pretty huge deal in my opinion. It could just be because I am fairly introverted (ie socially challenged), but it seems much easier to change your family’s behavior than friends. This should have serious implications for EA folk, as in theory, you can increase effective donations by a great margin by engaging in a polyamorous relationship, assuming there are no other disadvantages to polyamory.

*Okay, I get that relationships are complex and it’s difficult to study them due to a large number of confounding variables, but has there really been no systematic analysis (ie a book) on the economics of polyamory?

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