There’s a thread running through Methods of Rationality on the implications of patterning your developmental schema on the coming-of-age narrative typical of epic fantasy. (Haven’t been able to isolate any specific examples there, but similar topics come up in “Formative Youth”.) I’m pretty sure that sort of thing is very common among members of our particular tribe, and it’s a topic that I’d love to see explored in more detail; unfortunately, no one I know of has ever approached it in depth, let alone with much rigor.
Might just be another holdover from the EEA, come to that; it’s a lot easier to be a hero and save your social world when your social world consists of fifty-odd people, all of whom you know and maybe half a dozen of whom share your particular skillset. But hither lies a Just-So story.
patterning your developmental schema on the coming-of-age narrative typical of epic fantasy.
I don’t think I do that, there was never any doubt in my mind that it was just a story (eg. at several points over the years I’ve gotten bored of ‘me’ but not of the universe I’ve spent hours creating, and started following another character instead. Or introduced long timeskips so I don’t have to narrate boring but necessary-to-my-current-plot events).
I’d say that if anything, I absorbed less from all the fantasy and sci fi tropes I read as a kid and teenager than most people. It never occurred to me as a kid that I should be modelling any part of my behaviour after the people in books.
There’s a thread running through Methods of Rationality on the implications of patterning your developmental schema on the coming-of-age narrative typical of epic fantasy. (Haven’t been able to isolate any specific examples there, but similar topics come up in “Formative Youth”.) I’m pretty sure that sort of thing is very common among members of our particular tribe, and it’s a topic that I’d love to see explored in more detail; unfortunately, no one I know of has ever approached it in depth, let alone with much rigor.
Might just be another holdover from the EEA, come to that; it’s a lot easier to be a hero and save your social world when your social world consists of fifty-odd people, all of whom you know and maybe half a dozen of whom share your particular skillset. But hither lies a Just-So story.
I don’t think I do that, there was never any doubt in my mind that it was just a story (eg. at several points over the years I’ve gotten bored of ‘me’ but not of the universe I’ve spent hours creating, and started following another character instead. Or introduced long timeskips so I don’t have to narrate boring but necessary-to-my-current-plot events).
I’d say that if anything, I absorbed less from all the fantasy and sci fi tropes I read as a kid and teenager than most people. It never occurred to me as a kid that I should be modelling any part of my behaviour after the people in books.