Selection vs Control is a distinction I always point to when discussing optimization. Yet this is not the two takes on optimization I generally use. My favored ones are internal optimization (which is basically search/selection), and external optimization (optimizing systems from Alex Flint’s The ground of optimization). So I do without control, or at least without Abram’s exact definition of control.
Why? Simply because the internal structure vs behavior distinction mentioned in this post seems more important than the actual definitions (which seem constrained by going back to Yudkowski’s optimization power). The big distinction is between doing internal search (like in optimization algorithms or mesa-optimizers) and acting as optimizing something. It is intuitive that you can do the second without the first, but before Alex Flint’s definition, I couldn’t put words on my intuition than the first implies the second.
So my current picture of optimization is Internal Optimization (Internal Search/Selection) \subset External Optimization (Optimizing systems). This means that I think of this post as one of the first instances of grappling at this distinction, without agreeing completely with the way it ends up making that distinction.
I like this division a lot. One nitpick: I don’t think internal optimization is a subset of external optimization, unless we’re redrawing the system boundary at some point. A search always takes place within the context of a system’s (possibly implicit) world-model; that’s the main thing which distinguishes it from control/external optimization. If that world-model does not match the territory, then the system may not successfully optimize anything in its environment, even though it’s searching for optimizing plans internally.
My take on internal optimization as a subset of external optimization probably works assuming convergence, because the configuration space capturing the internal state of the program (and its variables) is pushed reliably towards the configurations with a local minimum in the corresponding variable. See here.
Whether that’s actually what we want is another question, but I think the point you’re mentioning can be captured by whether the target subspace of the configuration space puts constraints on things outside the system (for good cartesian boundaries and all the corresponding subtleties).
Got it, that’s the case I was thinking of as “redrawing the system boundary”. Makes sense.
That still leaves the problem that we can write an (internal) optimizer which isn’t iterative. For instance, a convex function optimizer which differentiates its input function and then algebraically solves for zero gradient. (In the real world, this is similar to what markets do.) This was also my main complaint on Flint’s notion of “optimization”: not all optimizers are iterative, and sometimes they don’t even have an “initial” point against which we could compare.
I’m a bit confused: why can’t I just take the initial state of the program (or of the physical system representing the computer) as the initial point in configuration space for your example? The execution of your program is still a trajectory through the configuration space of your computer.
Personally, my biggest issue with optimizing systems is that I don’t know what the “smaller” concerning the target space really means. If the target space has only one state less than the total configuration space, is this still an optimizing system? Should we compute a ratio of measure between target and total configuration space to have some sort of optimizing power?
The initial state of the program/physical computer may not overlap with the target space at all. The target space wouldn’t be larger or smaller (in the sense of subsets); it would just be an entirely different set of states.
Flint’s notion of optimization, as I understand it, requires that we can view the target space as a subset of the initial space.
Selection vs Control is a distinction I always point to when discussing optimization. Yet this is not the two takes on optimization I generally use. My favored ones are internal optimization (which is basically search/selection), and external optimization (optimizing systems from Alex Flint’s The ground of optimization). So I do without control, or at least without Abram’s exact definition of control.
Why? Simply because the internal structure vs behavior distinction mentioned in this post seems more important than the actual definitions (which seem constrained by going back to Yudkowski’s optimization power). The big distinction is between doing internal search (like in optimization algorithms or mesa-optimizers) and acting as optimizing something. It is intuitive that you can do the second without the first, but before Alex Flint’s definition, I couldn’t put words on my intuition than the first implies the second.
So my current picture of optimization is Internal Optimization (Internal Search/Selection) \subset External Optimization (Optimizing systems). This means that I think of this post as one of the first instances of grappling at this distinction, without agreeing completely with the way it ends up making that distinction.
I like this division a lot. One nitpick: I don’t think internal optimization is a subset of external optimization, unless we’re redrawing the system boundary at some point. A search always takes place within the context of a system’s (possibly implicit) world-model; that’s the main thing which distinguishes it from control/external optimization. If that world-model does not match the territory, then the system may not successfully optimize anything in its environment, even though it’s searching for optimizing plans internally.
My take on internal optimization as a subset of external optimization probably works assuming convergence, because the configuration space capturing the internal state of the program (and its variables) is pushed reliably towards the configurations with a local minimum in the corresponding variable. See here.
Whether that’s actually what we want is another question, but I think the point you’re mentioning can be captured by whether the target subspace of the configuration space puts constraints on things outside the system (for good cartesian boundaries and all the corresponding subtleties).
Got it, that’s the case I was thinking of as “redrawing the system boundary”. Makes sense.
That still leaves the problem that we can write an (internal) optimizer which isn’t iterative. For instance, a convex function optimizer which differentiates its input function and then algebraically solves for zero gradient. (In the real world, this is similar to what markets do.) This was also my main complaint on Flint’s notion of “optimization”: not all optimizers are iterative, and sometimes they don’t even have an “initial” point against which we could compare.
I’m a bit confused: why can’t I just take the initial state of the program (or of the physical system representing the computer) as the initial point in configuration space for your example? The execution of your program is still a trajectory through the configuration space of your computer.
Personally, my biggest issue with optimizing systems is that I don’t know what the “smaller” concerning the target space really means. If the target space has only one state less than the total configuration space, is this still an optimizing system? Should we compute a ratio of measure between target and total configuration space to have some sort of optimizing power?
The initial state of the program/physical computer may not overlap with the target space at all. The target space wouldn’t be larger or smaller (in the sense of subsets); it would just be an entirely different set of states.
Flint’s notion of optimization, as I understand it, requires that we can view the target space as a subset of the initial space.