Tangent on the 100 idea list:
I think this may be one of the most useful little tidbits I’ve ever come across. It’s a perfectly natural complement to the -think about it for five minutes- and -hold off on proposing solutions- ideas, spectacular for solo problem solving. It’s so obvious I feel dumb for not having tried it earlier.
Why we’re spending our time speculating on stuff like directed marijuana highs (Not that I don’t like that post. I do.) when we’ve barely even got our basic katas down I’ll never understand. Unless everyone here is secretly halfway to beisutsukai mastery already and I’ve been left out of the loop. Wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened.
Tangent on the 100 idea list: I think this may be one of the most useful little tidbits I’ve ever come across. It’s a perfectly natural complement to the -think about it for five minutes- and -hold off on proposing solutions- ideas, spectacular for solo problem solving. It’s so obvious I feel dumb for not having tried it earlier.
Why we’re spending our time speculating on stuff like directed marijuana highs (Not that I don’t like that post. I do.) when we’ve barely even got our basic katas down I’ll never understand. Unless everyone here is secretly halfway to beisutsukai mastery already and I’ve been left out of the loop. Wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened.