And it may be perfectly rational (of high instrumental value) to be significantly altruistic (in your behavior), even if you place no terminal value whatsoever on helping other people, if it’s what it takes to live comfortably in society, and you value your own comfort...
Yes, thank you. I think Eliezer, Nick, and the others complaining about this are confusing “acting selfishly” with “acting in a way that society judges as selfish”.
And it may be perfectly rational (of high instrumental value) to be significantly altruistic (in your behavior), even if you place no terminal value whatsoever on helping other people, if it’s what it takes to live comfortably in society, and you value your own comfort...
Yes, thank you. I think Eliezer, Nick, and the others complaining about this are confusing “acting selfishly” with “acting in a way that society judges as selfish”.
You are not helping by being imprecise.
If I had said “acting selfishly”, that would be imprecise. I said “optimizing expected selfish utility”, which is precise.
ADDED: Well, obviously not precise enough.