BTW, does anyone get different effects from the emoticons :-/ and :-\ or it’s just me?
V erpragyl qvfpbirerq gung, juvyr gurl fhccbfrq gb or flabalzbhf (ba Snprobbx gurl eraqre gb gur fnzr cvp), gb zr gur sbezre srryf zber yvxr “crecyrkvgl, pbashfvba” (naq gung’f ubj V trarenyyl hfr vg), jurernf gur ynggre srryf zber yvxr “qvfnccebiny” (naq V bayl fnj gung orpnhfr zl cubar unf :-\ ohg abg :-/ nzbat gur cer-pbzcbfrq rzbgvpbaf, fb V cvpxrq gur sbezre ohg vg qvqa’g ybbx evtug gb zr).
[Edited to move the question to the front and rot-13 the rest as per Nesov’s suggestion.]
Does anyone else get the same effect?
You shouldn’t prime the audience before asking a question like that.
Good point. Fixed.
BTW, does anyone get different effects from the emoticons :-/ and :-\ or it’s just me?
V erpragyl qvfpbirerq gung, juvyr gurl fhccbfrq gb or flabalzbhf (ba Snprobbx gurl eraqre gb gur fnzr cvp), gb zr gur sbezre srryf zber yvxr “crecyrkvgl, pbashfvba” (naq gung’f ubj V trarenyyl hfr vg), jurernf gur ynggre srryf zber yvxr “qvfnccebiny” (naq V bayl fnj gung orpnhfr zl cubar unf :-\ ohg abg :-/ nzbat gur cer-pbzcbfrq rzbgvpbaf, fb V cvpxrq gur sbezre ohg vg qvqa’g ybbx evtug gb zr).
[Edited to move the question to the front and rot-13 the rest as per Nesov’s suggestion.]
You shouldn’t prime the audience before asking a question like that.
Good point. Fixed.