I’m a 31-year-old Colombian guy who writes SF in Spanish. I’m a lactovegetarian teetotaler who sympathizes with Theravada Buddhism. My current job is as chief editor at a small publishing house that produces medical literature.
My estimate of the existence of one other LWer near my current location (the 8-million-inhabitant city of Bogotá) is 0.01% per every ten kilometers in the radius of search for the first 2500 kilometers of radius (after that distance you hit the U.S., which invalidates this formula).
My mother was an angrily devout Catholic and my father was a hopelessly gullible Rosicrucian.
Ask me anything not based on stereotypes about Colombians.
I’m a 31-year-old Colombian guy who writes SF in Spanish....My estimate of the existence of one other LWer near my current location (the 8-million-inhabitant city of Bogotá) is 0.01% per every ten kilometers in the radius of search for the first 2500 kilometers of radius
By my Google-aided calculations (interpreting “0.01% per every ten kilometers in the radius of search” as “0.0001 expected LWers per 314 km^2″), that implies that you think there’s about a 14% chance that there’s a LWer in Colombia besides yourself.
I was aware of the translation you cite, but I can’t remember having noticed that the translator was Colombian too. I guess that forces me to update my estimation.
Neat! You should get Eliezer to include it in the list.
(By the way, I should say that having multiple translations of the same text is very valuable data for language-learners such as myself—so let me make an appeal to would-be translators out there not to be discouraged by the existence of another translation in your language, whether complete or not.)
I was aware of the translation you cite, but I can’t remember having noticed that the translator was Colombian too.
(I concluded that he was because he had a Colombian Creative Commons license for his blog. EDIT: Also, I just noticed that he gives his specific location: Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.)
I’m a 31-year-old Colombian guy who writes SF in Spanish. I’m a lactovegetarian teetotaler who sympathizes with Theravada Buddhism. My current job is as chief editor at a small publishing house that produces medical literature. My estimate of the existence of one other LWer near my current location (the 8-million-inhabitant city of Bogotá) is 0.01% per every ten kilometers in the radius of search for the first 2500 kilometers of radius (after that distance you hit the U.S., which invalidates this formula). My mother was an angrily devout Catholic and my father was a hopelessly gullible Rosicrucian. Ask me anything not based on stereotypes about Colombians.
By my Google-aided calculations (interpreting “0.01% per every ten kilometers in the radius of search” as “0.0001 expected LWers per 314 km^2″), that implies that you think there’s about a 14% chance that there’s a LWer in Colombia besides yourself.
Can I conclude from this that you’re the same person as the (most recent) Spanish translator of HPMoR?
I’m not.
However, I happen to be a Youtopia volunteer, currently working on my own Spanish translation of HPMoR:
I was aware of the translation you cite, but I can’t remember having noticed that the translator was Colombian too. I guess that forces me to update my estimation.
Also, I should meet the guy.
Neat! You should get Eliezer to include it in the list.
(By the way, I should say that having multiple translations of the same text is very valuable data for language-learners such as myself—so let me make an appeal to would-be translators out there not to be discouraged by the existence of another translation in your language, whether complete or not.)
(I concluded that he was because he had a Colombian Creative Commons license for his blog. EDIT: Also, I just noticed that he gives his specific location: Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.)
To me, that’s a nice perspective of people’s data-gathering methods. I knew he was Colombian when I saw the flag on his Fanfiction.net profile.