In your attempt to make a sentence behaving a certain way, you made a sentence simply describing its behavior instead of one that actually behaves in the required manner. I nearly did that while writing this: after I wrote “this sentence is a little bit truer than itself”, it took me what seemed way too long to come up with “this sentence is at least somewhat true”.
There should be a way to break this system. Let’s see...
“This sentence doesn’t have a consistent truth value.”
Did I win?
No. The truth value of this sentence is 0.
In your attempt to make a sentence behaving a certain way, you made a sentence simply describing its behavior instead of one that actually behaves in the required manner. I nearly did that while writing this: after I wrote “this sentence is a little bit truer than itself”, it took me what seemed way too long to come up with “this sentence is at least somewhat true”.
So it’s false. Which makes it self-contradictory, and therefore false.
i think.