I think what I currently feel-in-my-heart is something like “yeah that does make sense, but, I sort of wish there was an amount of mournful-grieving-acknowledgement that felt like captured the weight of the thing, without being too likely to escalate into a pervasive psychological attack.”
The current (at least as of two days ago) amount of discussion of the Dath Ilan song was fairly rare and private and high-context. I do think making it into a sort-of-”pop” song is the sort of thing reasonable to be wary of.
Nod, makes sense. I’ll mull it over more.
I think what I currently feel-in-my-heart is something like “yeah that does make sense, but, I sort of wish there was an amount of mournful-grieving-acknowledgement that felt like captured the weight of the thing, without being too likely to escalate into a pervasive psychological attack.”
The current (at least as of two days ago) amount of discussion of the Dath Ilan song was fairly rare and private and high-context. I do think making it into a sort-of-”pop” song is the sort of thing reasonable to be wary of.