How many of you dream in concepts rather than images?
I’ve noticed this from time to time. It often seems that a dream will have a sense of urgency, or of being a child again, or of anything else, without any details from which this sense could be inferred. But it’s not a flat ‘all dreams’ sort of thing; some dreams will be movie-like, others will be built out of pure feelings-that-something-is-happening.
I’ve had the same experience. To me this suggests that although not all conscious thoughts are visual, they may all be sensual. That is, of the five senses.
Actually, this is tautological if “conscious thought” means a thought we are completely aware of, unless we can be ‘aware’ of something other than five-sense experience.
How many of you dream in concepts rather than images?
I’ve noticed this from time to time. It often seems that a dream will have a sense of urgency, or of being a child again, or of anything else, without any details from which this sense could be inferred. But it’s not a flat ‘all dreams’ sort of thing; some dreams will be movie-like, others will be built out of pure feelings-that-something-is-happening.
I’ve had the same experience. To me this suggests that although not all conscious thoughts are visual, they may all be sensual. That is, of the five senses.
Actually, this is tautological if “conscious thought” means a thought we are completely aware of, unless we can be ‘aware’ of something other than five-sense experience.
We can be aware of emotions without them having any reference to the five senses.