This sounds extremely plausible to me. While I suspect you’re further along this spectrum than most here, in general, people on Less Wrong are more likely to appreciate being able to solve a problem in this way.
This can make the Litany of Gendlin useful for us. But it makes it less useful as a tool to share with others. Especially if we are (as I strongly suspect) an outlier among humans in this regard.
(Meta Note: I just found myself editing the above paragraph to sound less like an attack, because normally I need to do that to avoid degenerating into flamewar. Originally it said something like “I think you’re at the extreme end of this spectrum, but people on Less Wrong in general tend to prefer criticism more than most.” Which was already a slightly toned down version of the fleeting thought that triggered the typing. I think even the fully uncensored version wasn’t actually wrong or mean, but through a text-only medium, most forum-goers I’ve interacted with would interpret it that way).
(By “us” I meant specifically me and wedrifid, since I’ve been rebuked for being insensitive sufficiently often to recognize this property in my own writing, and wedrifid seems to me an outlier in this regard as well. I actually delete some comments I write (usually before publishing) to correct this tendency, after I notice that there is no easy “civilized” way of expressing my concerns and the point isn’t sufficiently important, and downvote instead. Just today I published such a comment and then deleted it.)
Hadn’t noticed the tendency in wedrified, but I recognized what you’re talking about (hence the original ‘extreme end of the spectrum.’) I think Less Wrongians are still more likely to prefer criticism than the average person.
Perhaps this property causes us in particular to be less hesitant to harshly criticize? This motivates collecting more data...
This sounds extremely plausible to me. While I suspect you’re further along this spectrum than most here, in general, people on Less Wrong are more likely to appreciate being able to solve a problem in this way.
This can make the Litany of Gendlin useful for us. But it makes it less useful as a tool to share with others. Especially if we are (as I strongly suspect) an outlier among humans in this regard.
(Meta Note: I just found myself editing the above paragraph to sound less like an attack, because normally I need to do that to avoid degenerating into flamewar. Originally it said something like “I think you’re at the extreme end of this spectrum, but people on Less Wrong in general tend to prefer criticism more than most.” Which was already a slightly toned down version of the fleeting thought that triggered the typing. I think even the fully uncensored version wasn’t actually wrong or mean, but through a text-only medium, most forum-goers I’ve interacted with would interpret it that way).
(By “us” I meant specifically me and wedrifid, since I’ve been rebuked for being insensitive sufficiently often to recognize this property in my own writing, and wedrifid seems to me an outlier in this regard as well. I actually delete some comments I write (usually before publishing) to correct this tendency, after I notice that there is no easy “civilized” way of expressing my concerns and the point isn’t sufficiently important, and downvote instead. Just today I published such a comment and then deleted it.)
Hadn’t noticed the tendency in wedrified, but I recognized what you’re talking about (hence the original ‘extreme end of the spectrum.’) I think Less Wrongians are still more likely to prefer criticism than the average person.