I may be mistaken, but I’m doing something similar. That looked like a good idea when I started, but nowadays I’d question whether I’m really better off.
I have a tendancy to give up too easily on many things. While I know my own priorities well, and have come to accept them, doing away with the guilt that’d prevent me from doing what I want. After all, I had accepted the idea that what I ought to do, but didn’t really want to, I couldn’t do well anyway, so I could as well just do what I want, and do it well.
Except that working again and again on something makes it become easier on the long term. If you don’t train your willpower, if you never try to make one of those big, uncomfortable, impossible looking efforts, if you allow yourself to only do what you feel for, as opposed to what you reason would be good to do, yet which you still don’t really want to do … well I can only speak for myself, but I’ve pretty much ended up doing only the things that I can do effortlessly, or which I desire, and have very little willpower left to oblige myself doing what is sometimes right, or even necessary, but not desirable.
I may be mistaken, but I’m doing something similar. That looked like a good idea when I started, but nowadays I’d question whether I’m really better off. I have a tendancy to give up too easily on many things. While I know my own priorities well, and have come to accept them, doing away with the guilt that’d prevent me from doing what I want. After all, I had accepted the idea that what I ought to do, but didn’t really want to, I couldn’t do well anyway, so I could as well just do what I want, and do it well.
Except that working again and again on something makes it become easier on the long term. If you don’t train your willpower, if you never try to make one of those big, uncomfortable, impossible looking efforts, if you allow yourself to only do what you feel for, as opposed to what you reason would be good to do, yet which you still don’t really want to do … well I can only speak for myself, but I’ve pretty much ended up doing only the things that I can do effortlessly, or which I desire, and have very little willpower left to oblige myself doing what is sometimes right, or even necessary, but not desirable.