When the Pedant One used the term ‘status attack’ instead of push or bully or buffalo, I thought maybe that indicated there were resources on the topic. I love the feeling when I find there is a developed system and language for describing and expanding on something I thought I was familiar with. It’s almost always a game-changer.
Thanks. Your reassurance isn’t unappreciated.
When the Pedant One used the term ‘status attack’ instead of push or bully or buffalo, I thought maybe that indicated there were resources on the topic. I love the feeling when I find there is a developed system and language for describing and expanding on something I thought I was familiar with. It’s almost always a game-changer.
This is a good resource. Actual ‘attacks’ are a little too Dark Arts-y to get much discussion on LessWrong, though.
Thanks. It’s a nice list.
No DADA, eh?
Is rationality and a desire for self-improvement supposed to provide defense against Dark Arts as a side effect?
Here’s something, but it would be good if there were more discussion of the topic, yeah.