Off the top of my head: If the world is very big then there are more agents to trade with or be simulated by. Also I’m not sure what counts as the observable universe—we can’t see beyond the Hubble volume with our telescopes, but we can probabilistically model what different parts of the universe or different universes look like nonetheless. We also do not know what is ultimately observable. We currently lack the ability to observe mental phenomena but I still have specific beliefs about roughly what we’ll observe when we really understand consciousness.
It is useful to be curious about mysteries to which you believe there to be no answer; beliefs like that often turn out to be wrong.
Off the top of my head: If the world is very big then there are more agents to trade with or be simulated by. Also I’m not sure what counts as the observable universe—we can’t see beyond the Hubble volume with our telescopes, but we can probabilistically model what different parts of the universe or different universes look like nonetheless. We also do not know what is ultimately observable. We currently lack the ability to observe mental phenomena but I still have specific beliefs about roughly what we’ll observe when we really understand consciousness.
It is useful to be curious about mysteries to which you believe there to be no answer; beliefs like that often turn out to be wrong.