On cosmology, I found Theory of Nothing quite interesting even if a whole bunch of it has been rightfully replaced by SL5 decision theory / cosmology concepts. It basically summarizes the kind of cosmology that was going on on the Everything mailing list before it got quiet. It’s probably the best place to go if you don’t have the luxury of hanging out with certain people in the Visiting Fellows program at SIAI for a year. The idea that an infinite ensemble, like the Library of Babel, has no information content (as seen from the ‘outside), dissolved a few confusions for me (though of course many are left) and gave me something of a momentary experience of sunyata. I don’t contemplate that thought much anymore for fear that I will ‘use up’ the novelty of sunyata.
On cosmology, I found Theory of Nothing quite interesting even if a whole bunch of it has been rightfully replaced by SL5 decision theory / cosmology concepts. It basically summarizes the kind of cosmology that was going on on the Everything mailing list before it got quiet. It’s probably the best place to go if you don’t have the luxury of hanging out with certain people in the Visiting Fellows program at SIAI for a year. The idea that an infinite ensemble, like the Library of Babel, has no information content (as seen from the ‘outside), dissolved a few confusions for me (though of course many are left) and gave me something of a momentary experience of sunyata. I don’t contemplate that thought much anymore for fear that I will ‘use up’ the novelty of sunyata.