March 19th: Daily Coronavirus Links
As part of the LessWrong Coronavirus Link Database, Ben, Elizabeth and I are publishing daily update posts with all the new links we are adding each day that we ranked a 3 or above in our importance rankings. Here are all the top links that we added yesterday (March 19th), by topic.
Instructions for making a mask out of HEPA paper
Step by step instructions, with pictures, on how to form a mask out of HEPA filters or otherwise unwoven fabric. In Chinese but google translate was perfectly understandable
(EV): In Chinese but google translate was perfectly understandable
Medical System
China’s guide to diagnosis and treatment
China’s official C19 handbook, translated into English by them
Zhejiang School of Medicine’s hospital outlines how to prevent, identify, and treat COVID019
Trial using hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin
N=20, hyrodxychloroquine was effective, and moreso combined with azithromycin
Technical review of diagnosis techniques
Introduction to various categories and molecular methods for diagnosing COVID19, outline companies and academic groups developing diagnostics
Spread & Prevention
Why does Japan have so few cases
Japan has ~900 cases despite being very dense and mostly continuing daily life (with the exception of the school shut down). Why?
(EV): I wonder what their pneumonia case rate is doing
Why does India have so few cases
India has only just had its 3rd C19 death. How did they do so well? Possibly aggressive border action
(EV): I also wonder what their pneumonia case rate is doing
I just came from 2021, And went through the same, now with India’s scary highest covid numbers, while majority of the country fares better or recovers, even administration wise, is a stark reminder for how deadly a virus, if mishandled, can lead too
If not worked upon, a behavioral insight into the treatment of vaccines, with respect to India, and in regards to this article, can be done