Or do something more clever / opaque involving Bayesian weighting and probable “earned” score / controversy rating.
It’d be great if it would calculate a measure based off how the comment is to be appreciated by the kind of people whose contributions I myself appreciate. This may even mean counting as a positive downvotes by people whose votes are systematically correlated negatively with mine when it comes to appreciating the work of others.
It’d be great if it would calculate a measure based off how the comment is to be appreciated by the kind of people whose contributions I myself appreciate. This may even mean counting as a positive downvotes by people whose votes are systematically correlated negatively with mine when it comes to appreciating the work of others.
Actually it would make a kind of fun programming/statistics project. Tempting!
(The contents of this post aren’t relevant to OP at all or even germane to this thread except that they are a “reaction” to them)
Thanks for this sequence of ideas. More… later.
Interesting disclaimer technique: Is there an etiquette about disclaimers FAQ? [This time I mean the implication TheOtherDave.]