(The contents of this post aren’t relevant to OP at all or even germane to this thread except that they are a “reaction” to them)
having some metric for how controversial a post is would be useful… (other comments)
Thanks for this sequence of ideas. More… later.
(Bakkot) (The contents of this post are no longer relevant to OP except insofar as both discuss changes to the voting system.)
Interesting disclaimer technique: Is there an etiquette about disclaimers FAQ? [This time I mean the implication TheOtherDave.]
(The contents of this post aren’t relevant to OP at all or even germane to this thread except that they are a “reaction” to them)
Thanks for this sequence of ideas. More… later.
Interesting disclaimer technique: Is there an etiquette about disclaimers FAQ? [This time I mean the implication TheOtherDave.]