What’s the % likelihood that you will use AISafety.com within the next 1 year? (Please be brutally honest)
For myself, not super likely as I already have first-hand awareness of a lot of these resources (but I’ll likely still be tempted to come to this website to jump straight through a particular URL if I know it’s easy to find through AISafety.com vs looking for the exact link in the target website).
What list of resources will you use?
Events + training, courses, projects, communities, landscape map (and recommending the reading guide a bunch + likely the donation guide)
What could be changed (features, content, design, whatever) to increase that chance?
Really nit-picking here! - I’d find it nicer to use if the menu items were listed at the top of the landing page rather than having to scroll down - I’d like the copy font to be more legible (my laptop isn’t super bright at the best of time so grey font causes strain)
What’s the % likelihood that you will send AISafety.com to someone within the next 1 year?
I estimate 90%—strong expectation in part due to the wide range of target audiences for whom a referral to the site could be useful + confidence in the diversity of perspectives this hub can send people towards.
What could be changed (features, content, design, whatever) to increase that chance?
- This is perhaps going to seem minor but a screenshot of what the Reading Guide landing page view looks like next to the CTA to go read it might give people I recommend the site to a taste of the breezy and interactive feel of the guide. As it is, I can imagine some people might hesitate to click through, maybe expecting a dense 200-page PDF doc that hasn’t been updated in a while and then hesitating as to what to do with it.
- Re intro video: I’d like to see a clickable screenshot of it next to/instead of the CTA. Not the newspaper headline strips, but e.g. the somewhat eerie vibe @ 00′31″
Any other general feedback you’d like to share
I have this nagging sense that it might be good to give newcomers a clear, immediate sense of the intentions of the team bringing these resources to people’s attention, right at the top of the landing page, basically. As a first-pass suggestion: right under/next to the logo, add ‘A volunteer-curated resources hub about the (critical/essential/existential) safety implications of artificial intelligence. About us[<= link]’ - or something to that effect :)
Otherwise, I think this is a really valuable initiative and I like the site a lot! I also like that the design conveys a sense of urgency, but one that’s grounded in rational concern. Thanks, gang!
Quick responses to the questions you asked:
What’s the % likelihood that you will use AISafety.com within the next 1 year? (Please be brutally honest)
For myself, not super likely as I already have first-hand awareness of a lot of these resources (but I’ll likely still be tempted to come to this website to jump straight through a particular URL if I know it’s easy to find through AISafety.com vs looking for the exact link in the target website).
What list of resources will you use?
Events + training, courses, projects, communities, landscape map (and recommending the reading guide a bunch + likely the donation guide)
What could be changed (features, content, design, whatever) to increase that chance?
Really nit-picking here!
- I’d find it nicer to use if the menu items were listed at the top of the landing page rather than having to scroll down
- I’d like the copy font to be more legible (my laptop isn’t super bright at the best of time so grey font causes strain)
What’s the % likelihood that you will send AISafety.com to someone within the next 1 year?
I estimate 90%—strong expectation in part due to the wide range of target audiences for whom a referral to the site could be useful + confidence in the diversity of perspectives this hub can send people towards.
What could be changed (features, content, design, whatever) to increase that chance?
- This is perhaps going to seem minor but a screenshot of what the Reading Guide landing page view looks like next to the CTA to go read it might give people I recommend the site to a taste of the breezy and interactive feel of the guide. As it is, I can imagine some people might hesitate to click through, maybe expecting a dense 200-page PDF doc that hasn’t been updated in a while and then hesitating as to what to do with it.
- Re intro video: I’d like to see a clickable screenshot of it next to/instead of the CTA. Not the newspaper headline strips, but e.g. the somewhat eerie vibe @ 00′31″
Any other general feedback you’d like to share
I have this nagging sense that it might be good to give newcomers a clear, immediate sense of the intentions of the team bringing these resources to people’s attention, right at the top of the landing page, basically.
As a first-pass suggestion: right under/next to the logo, add ‘A volunteer-curated resources hub about the (critical/essential/existential) safety implications of artificial intelligence. About us [<= link]’ - or something to that effect :)
Otherwise, I think this is a really valuable initiative and I like the site a lot! I also like that the design conveys a sense of urgency, but one that’s grounded in rational concern. Thanks, gang!