What is the relationship between housing characteristics and elements of flourishing?
what? say again?
I suspect this advice works for some people some of the time; but might be the opposite advice that other people need. As such it is unhelpful in the wrong circumstances.
children and infants… self determination
Children really don’t have self-determination. That’s why we play such games about them and to help them move forward. Also when thinking of a “simple mind” a good example would be a child. I have no problem with that. Cute factor is another matter; and there are probably evolutionary reasons why we find kids and young creatures cute.
For instance, givedirectly helps materialists more than non materialists but materialists are unhappier than materialsts particularly among the poor. Is that evidence against the effectiveness of givedirectly? That’s up for debate, but I could have picked just about any example.
I suspect this advice works for some people some of the time;
Perhaps it’s worth understanding—do I fit into the category of “keeping too many options open (and have gotten burned)” or do I fit into the category of “have been trying risk-iterate for a while (and have gotten burned)” before considering the advice and how it might apply.
what? say again?
I suspect this advice works for some people some of the time; but might be the opposite advice that other people need. As such it is unhelpful in the wrong circumstances.
Children really don’t have self-determination. That’s why we play such games about them and to help them move forward. Also when thinking of a “simple mind” a good example would be a child. I have no problem with that. Cute factor is another matter; and there are probably evolutionary reasons why we find kids and young creatures cute.
Your suspicion is true of any non axiom.
For instance, givedirectly helps materialists more than non materialists but materialists are unhappier than materialsts particularly among the poor. Is that evidence against the effectiveness of givedirectly? That’s up for debate, but I could have picked just about any example.
Perhaps it’s worth understanding—do I fit into the category of “keeping too many options open (and have gotten burned)” or do I fit into the category of “have been trying risk-iterate for a while (and have gotten burned)” before considering the advice and how it might apply.