My favorite dashboard is Our World in Data: it has time series and maps and lets me choose which countries to graph. But it’s only showing confirmed cases, and doesn’t show any unit smaller than a country. Plus on the day I’m writing this, the US was missing yesterday’s day. Plague Plus is trying to do true prevalence estimates, but I don’t like their methodology, in part because it’s the same for every country.
Can I do better than this? Is something out there that shows city level data, with time series? If I must use confirmed cases, how can I translate those numbers into true prevalence estimates, given region-specific conditions?
[Question] How can we estimate how many people are C19 infected in an area?
My favorite dashboard is Our World in Data: it has time series and maps and lets me choose which countries to graph. But it’s only showing confirmed cases, and doesn’t show any unit smaller than a country. Plus on the day I’m writing this, the US was missing yesterday’s day. Plague Plus is trying to do true prevalence estimates, but I don’t like their methodology, in part because it’s the same for every country.
Can I do better than this? Is something out there that shows city level data, with time series? If I must use confirmed cases, how can I translate those numbers into true prevalence estimates, given region-specific conditions?