Interesting. I had been thinking that, since the things I persuade myself out of doing are usually unproductive, my behavior was not the same as procrastination.
I’ve been using “structured procrastination” to decent effect for getting productive-but-not-work activities done (cleaning, etc.); maybe I should add unproductive activities like “walk to the park” to my list (that is the most common thing I keep reflexively arguing myself out of for no good reason). Will consider “mental contrasting” as well.
Interesting. I had been thinking that, since the things I persuade myself out of doing are usually unproductive, my behavior was not the same as procrastination.
I’ve been using “structured procrastination” to decent effect for getting productive-but-not-work activities done (cleaning, etc.); maybe I should add unproductive activities like “walk to the park” to my list (that is the most common thing I keep reflexively arguing myself out of for no good reason). Will consider “mental contrasting” as well.