Meetup Tactics Open Thread

I think we need to have more discussion of meetup tactics on LW. At my local meetup, we’ve been feeling a bit lost about what works best, so I hereby propose that we have semi-regular meetup tactics discussions like the open and quotes threads.

So here’s a few questions to start us off:

  • What activities or topics of discussion have been particularly productive? What is not?

  • Have fun adventurous things like hiking or climbing worked?

  • What is your opinion on the purpose of the meetups? Is it about community? Additional discussion and learning? Practice?

  • Is it a good idea to have different types of meetup (discussion night, fun day, social, ???), or should everything be scheduled into regular meetups?

  • What things have worked for building community? There should have been some community disasters by now as well, what caused them?

  • What has worked for actual practice and leveling up? What hasn’t?

  • What topics produce good discussions? How much structure should discussions have?

  • How does your meetup get more people to come out (recruitment, attendance, etc). What works, what doesn’t work?

  • What untested ideas do you have for any of the above?
