If you want a preview of what this ratings-website environment will look like, Google “best cat food” and then try and figure out which advice is best.
There’s a lot more money in medicine than cat food. There’s already a plethora of really high quality sites offering medical advice, plus high quality catalogues of drugs, such as the BNF.
Chances are, there are also good cat food ones, it’s just without being an expert yourself, it probably close to impossible to pick them out of the sea of bad ones. What do you think is preventing those good medical advice ones from being drowned in the sea of terrible ones? Presumably, bigger market provides about the same extra insentives for creation of misleading advice as it does for creation of good advice?
If you want a preview of what this ratings-website environment will look like, Google “best cat food” and then try and figure out which advice is best.
There’s a lot more money in medicine than cat food. There’s already a plethora of really high quality sites offering medical advice, plus high quality catalogues of drugs, such as the BNF.
Chances are, there are also good cat food ones, it’s just without being an expert yourself, it probably close to impossible to pick them out of the sea of bad ones. What do you think is preventing those good medical advice ones from being drowned in the sea of terrible ones? Presumably, bigger market provides about the same extra insentives for creation of misleading advice as it does for creation of good advice?