I find your style of commenting both fun to read and interesting. I think your posts are valuable even if they’re more “thinking out loud” than “I have studied ALL THE LITERATURE”. As a community I think we can and SHOULD be able to talk about things in ways that don’t involve 50 citations at the bottom of the page, even though I think those posts are valuable. I don’t know who you’re scaring away with your amount of commenting, but I don’t miss them.
I find your style of commenting both fun to read and interesting. I think your posts are valuable even if they’re more “thinking out loud” than “I have studied ALL THE LITERATURE”. As a community I think we can and SHOULD be able to talk about things in ways that don’t involve 50 citations at the bottom of the page, even though I think those posts are valuable. I don’t know who you’re scaring away with your amount of commenting, but I don’t miss them.