I’m Xom#1203 on Diablo 3. I have a lvl 60 Barb and a hilariously OP lvl ~30 DH. I’m willnewsome on chesscube.com, ShieldMantis on FICS. I like bullet 960 but I’m okay with more traditional games too. Currently rated like 2100 on chesscube, 1600 or something on FICS. Rarely use FICS. I’d like to play people who are better than me, gives me incentive to practice. (ETA: I’ll probably re-post this next Open Thread, I hope people don’t mind too much.)
My Playstation Network name is Thomas_Bayes. One of my goals for the year was to learn Chess, but I’ve been very busy recently and haven’t allocated much time to it.
I’m Xom#1203 on Diablo 3. I have a lvl 60 Barb and a hilariously OP lvl ~30 DH. I’m willnewsome on chesscube.com, ShieldMantis on FICS. I like bullet 960 but I’m okay with more traditional games too. Currently rated like 2100 on chesscube, 1600 or something on FICS. Rarely use FICS. I’d like to play people who are better than me, gives me incentive to practice. (ETA: I’ll probably re-post this next Open Thread, I hope people don’t mind too much.)
My Playstation Network name is Thomas_Bayes. One of my goals for the year was to learn Chess, but I’ve been very busy recently and haven’t allocated much time to it.