For me, at least, the idea that you should eat the bread crusts seems to stem from being scolded about wasting food. Kids often leave the crusts from their sandwiches along with a portion of the non-crust part and adults never like their kids to waste food.
Speculation: I’m not positive that people in general have the thought that crusts are healthier? But maybe they do, and the don’t-waste-food inclination transmorgifies into “crusts are healthier so you should eat them”?
As a child, I was definitely (repeatedly) told that the crusts are healthier than the rest, with the reasoning being something like “the vitamins rise to the top.”
I was told the same, often, but I don’t remember anyone offering any reasoning. Also, “the vitamins rise to the top” is a terrible explanation since bread has crust all the way around!! Aiyaa.
For me, at least, the idea that you should eat the bread crusts seems to stem from being scolded about wasting food. Kids often leave the crusts from their sandwiches along with a portion of the non-crust part and adults never like their kids to waste food.
Speculation: I’m not positive that people in general have the thought that crusts are healthier? But maybe they do, and the don’t-waste-food inclination transmorgifies into “crusts are healthier so you should eat them”?
As a child, I was definitely (repeatedly) told that the crusts are healthier than the rest, with the reasoning being something like “the vitamins rise to the top.”
I was told the same, often, but I don’t remember anyone offering any reasoning. Also, “the vitamins rise to the top” is a terrible explanation since bread has crust all the way around!! Aiyaa.