Fully booked—LessWrong Community weekend

Update: the event is fully booked. Applications are still open but put on a wait list until spots get available.

The LessWrong community weekend (Fr 13th—Mo 16th September, Berlin) is this very special place where rationalists who joined once, often say “best weekend of the year”, “I will be back next time for sure” and “Let’s have this more often than once a year”. This year is unique as we are creating an experience of bringing 250 curious, passionate and caring rationalists together for 72 hours of intellectual exploration, authentic socialising and fun time together. The biggest one the World Europe has seen.

We are likely closing applications on 31st of July—when the last 50 spots are filled.
Apply here: https://​​airtable.com/​​appdYMNuMQvKWC8mv/​​pagiUldderZqbuBaP/​​form

Regular ticket: €250 | Financial Support available
(The ticket includes accommodation Fr-Mo, meals, snacks)

All info here: https://​​www.lesswrong.com/​​events/​​tBYRFJNgvKWLeE9ih/​​lesswrong-community-weekend-2024-applications-open-1

The topic of this years keynote by Anna Riedl will be “Rationality and Relevance Realization: Metarationality and Generative Rationality”. A field, she is actively researching together with John Vervaeke, who is famous for his cognitive science lecture series “Awakening from the meaning crisis”.
The rest of the content will be participant driven in an unconference style. Six wall-sized daily planners are filled by the attendees with 100+ workshops, talks and activities of their own devising.

Bringing in different skills, experiences and world views are invaluable for all of us to grow. We welcome people new or known from all walks of life, celebrating open minded exchange and authentic interaction. After last year’s amazing experience we strive to recreate a diverse event where people of all ages, genders & backgrounds feel like home.

Apply here: https://​​airtable.com/​​appdYMNuMQvKWC8mv/​​pagiUldderZqbuBaP/​​form