Should LW have a separate AI section?

LessWrong seems to have two main topics for discussion; rationality and AI. This, of course, is caused by Eliezer Yudkowsky’s sequences (and interests), which are mostly about rationality, but also include a lot of writing about AI. LessWrong currently has two sections, Main and Discussion. This is meant to separate the purpose and quality of the post. I think usability of the site has improved greatly since adding the Discussion section. Should split the discussion section, and have one for rationality and one for AI?


  • It would make LW more pleasant for rationality enthusiasts who don’t want to sort through lots of AI discussions.

  • It would make LW more pleasant for AI enthusiasts who don’t want to sort through lots of rationality discussions.

  • It would not split up the community as much as a new AI community site would.

  • It would increase LW’s capacity for discussion.

  • Newcomers could learn about rationality, while people who want higher quality of discussion on AI topics could have it.


  • Many posts about both subjects are highly relevant about both subjects

  • It would make LW less pleasant for enthusiasts of both subjects.

  • It would split up the community more than doing nothing.

  • Everybody has their ideas for separate sections, and we can’t do them all.

What do you guys think?