Yes, but progressives always imagine that their views that will be vindicated in 2034. and their opponents’ cast out. They never seem to consider the possibility that their current views will be regarded as wrong/outdated/evil, and those of their opponents (or possibly some as yet unknown view) triumphant. This pathology is not unique to progressives, but seems to be worse among them, because of their self-image as being “on the right side of history.”
Yes, but progressives always imagine that their views that will be vindicated in 2034. and their opponents’ cast out. They never seem to consider the possibility that their current views will be regarded as wrong/outdated/evil, and those of their opponents (or possibly some as yet unknown view) triumphant. This pathology is not unique to progressives, but seems to be worse among them, because of their self-image as being “on the right side of history.”