It looks like fairness can be said to be f-morality, built from current morality so that it is known to be sufficiently stable under reflection (that is, (meta)*-f-moral), and as moral as possible. While we travel the road of moral progress, avoiding getting trapped in the simplistic ditches of fake moralities, we need a solid target for agreement, and this is what a particular fairness is. Morality unfolds in a moral way, while casting a shadow of unfolded fairness.
It looks like fairness can be said to be f-morality, built from current morality so that it is known to be sufficiently stable under reflection (that is, (meta)*-f-moral), and as moral as possible. While we travel the road of moral progress, avoiding getting trapped in the simplistic ditches of fake moralities, we need a solid target for agreement, and this is what a particular fairness is. Morality unfolds in a moral way, while casting a shadow of unfolded fairness.