Also your thoughts, your reasoning, which is machinery for perceiving abstract facts, including moral facts.
How might one deduce new physical facts from new moral facts produced by abstract reasoning?
You can predict that (physical) human babies won’t be eaten too often. Or that a calculator will have a physical configuration displaying something that you inferred abstractly.
You can make those arguments in an entirely physical fashion. You don’t need the morality.
You do need the mathematical abstraction to bundle and unbundle physical facts.
You can use calculators without knowing abstract math too, but it makes sense to talk of mathematical facts independent of calculators.
But it also makes sense to talk about calculators without abstract math.
That’s all I’m saying.
I agree. But it’s probably not all that you’re saying, since this possibility doesn’t reveal problems with inferring physical facts from moral facts.
There is a mapping from physical+moral belief structures to just-physical belief structures.
Correct physical-moral deductions map to correct physical deductions.
The end physical beliefs are purely explained by the beginning physical beliefs + new physical observations.
You can make those arguments in an entirely physical fashion.
Meaning what? Are you saying you can get oughts form ises?
No, I’m saying you can distinguish oughts from ises.
I am saying that you can move from is to is to is and never touch upon oughts.
That you can solve all is-problems while ignoring oughts.
Current theme: default
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Also your thoughts, your reasoning, which is machinery for perceiving abstract facts, including moral facts.
How might one deduce new physical facts from new moral facts produced by abstract reasoning?
You can predict that (physical) human babies won’t be eaten too often. Or that a calculator will have a physical configuration displaying something that you inferred abstractly.
You can make those arguments in an entirely physical fashion. You don’t need the morality.
You do need the mathematical abstraction to bundle and unbundle physical facts.
You can use calculators without knowing abstract math too, but it makes sense to talk of mathematical facts independent of calculators.
But it also makes sense to talk about calculators without abstract math.
That’s all I’m saying.
I agree. But it’s probably not all that you’re saying, since this possibility doesn’t reveal problems with inferring physical facts from moral facts.
There is a mapping from physical+moral belief structures to just-physical belief structures.
Correct physical-moral deductions map to correct physical deductions.
The end physical beliefs are purely explained by the beginning physical beliefs + new physical observations.
Meaning what? Are you saying you can get oughts form ises?
No, I’m saying you can distinguish oughts from ises.
I am saying that you can move from is to is to is and never touch upon oughts.
That you can solve all is-problems while ignoring oughts.