Hermes set theory: Google gives me this for “hermes set theory” without any quotes, it looks relevant but I haven’t read the PDF.
Googling “Baryon number conservation” gives me lots of relevant-looking results, including the wikipedia page for “baryon number” which has a section about conservation that includes a note and a link to another page about how they’re not conserved due to “chiral anomalies”
Hermes set theory: Google gives me this for “hermes set theory” without any quotes, it looks relevant but I haven’t read the PDF.
Googling “Baryon number conservation” gives me lots of relevant-looking results, including the wikipedia page for “baryon number” which has a section about conservation that includes a note and a link to another page about how they’re not conserved due to “chiral anomalies”
Hermes is some other Hermes and the theory also.
For the “Baryon number conservation” I want to find “the law” which was probable for some time.