I’m writing to inquire about whether there’s interest on LW in developing a bipolar support group.
There’s a general issue of the people at in-person support groups and designated online forums. been relatively uneducated; having little capacity for or ability for reflection; and for the discussion at such places to degenerate into platitudes. I was touched by datadataeverywhere’s posting Intrapersonal negotiation and would be interested in talking with similar people about similar topics.
I’m bipolar ii and have been for at least a decade but only fully became aware of my condition over the past year. I’ve found my varying functionality/productivity corresponding to hypomanic/depressive oscillations very confusing and have little idea of how to best ride out the waves. I am seeing a psychiatrist and have read books such as The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, Second Edition: What You and Your Family Need to Know, and The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings. I tried to read the Goodwin/Jamison Manic-Depressive Illness but found it dull. I looked at Jamison’s other books but though she’s a very poetic author I found the accuracy and general applicability of her subjective narratives questionable.
Anyway, any LWers who are interested should comment below or PM me.
LW Bipolar Support Group?
Related to: Intrapersonal negotiation
I’m writing to inquire about whether there’s interest on LW in developing a bipolar support group.
There’s a general issue of the people at in-person support groups and designated online forums. been relatively uneducated; having little capacity for or ability for reflection; and for the discussion at such places to degenerate into platitudes. I was touched by datadataeverywhere’s posting Intrapersonal negotiation and would be interested in talking with similar people about similar topics.
I’m bipolar ii and have been for at least a decade but only fully became aware of my condition over the past year. I’ve found my varying functionality/productivity corresponding to hypomanic/depressive oscillations very confusing and have little idea of how to best ride out the waves. I am seeing a psychiatrist and have read books such as The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, Second Edition: What You and Your Family Need to Know, and The Bipolar Workbook: Tools for Controlling Your Mood Swings. I tried to read the Goodwin/Jamison Manic-Depressive Illness but found it dull. I looked at Jamison’s other books but though she’s a very poetic author I found the accuracy and general applicability of her subjective narratives questionable.
Anyway, any LWers who are interested should comment below or PM me.