Could you clarify: in order to encourage people to admit ignorance and take correction, you want to remove the perception of low status in taking it?
That sounds great, but I’m not sure how you get there. Out of people I believe to be mistaken or ignorant, I do respect more those who admit a mistake, than those who defensively generate huge threads full of denial and obfuscation, but in the case where I’m only skimming, I can’t often be sure if they’re wrong and it’s not worth my time to understand and judge.
I suppose you’re talking about social correctness and ignorance of expected behavior, and I was thinking of general correctness and ignorance.
I think there’s more status lost here in being incorrect than rude. So maybe discouraging offense-giving is a simpler problem.
Could you clarify: in order to encourage people to admit ignorance and take correction, you want to remove the perception of low status in taking it?
That sounds great, but I’m not sure how you get there. Out of people I believe to be mistaken or ignorant, I do respect more those who admit a mistake, than those who defensively generate huge threads full of denial and obfuscation, but in the case where I’m only skimming, I can’t often be sure if they’re wrong and it’s not worth my time to understand and judge.
I suppose you’re talking about social correctness and ignorance of expected behavior, and I was thinking of general correctness and ignorance.
I think there’s more status lost here in being incorrect than rude. So maybe discouraging offense-giving is a simpler problem.