It’s possible we’re talking at cross purposes. I replied “I would” to “Who would take offense of what a drunk on the street says?”.
I was imagining someone shouting insults at me. When you say “unprovoked” I wonder if you’re imagining someone swearing randomly to himself. I’d take no offence at that.
You could be right there. Primed by djcb’s comment I was more considering “offense at the degree or nature of other people’s obscenities” than “offense at deliberate attempt to insult”. In the latter case I would replace “unprovoked” with “ill-advised”. It potentially also removes the “faux-altruism”, depending on whether it was you or your party member’s who the insults were directed at.
It’s possible we’re talking at cross purposes. I replied “I would” to “Who would take offense of what a drunk on the street says?”.
I was imagining someone shouting insults at me. When you say “unprovoked” I wonder if you’re imagining someone swearing randomly to himself. I’d take no offence at that.
You could be right there. Primed by djcb’s comment I was more considering “offense at the degree or nature of other people’s obscenities” than “offense at deliberate attempt to insult”. In the latter case I would replace “unprovoked” with “ill-advised”. It potentially also removes the “faux-altruism”, depending on whether it was you or your party member’s who the insults were directed at.