XiXiDu hasn’t read the sequences? How is he able to quote-mine Eliezer so effectively?
To be fair, he doesn’t mine Eliezer particularly effectively. Just often. I could quote mine to make Eliezer look like a dick far more effectively (having actually read Eliezer’s posts and understood what he says well enough to be able to pick out the ones that can be twisted the worst).
I am not sure how much I have read. Maybe 30 posts? I haven’t found any flaws so far. But I feel that there are huge flaws.
Vladimir (not Yvain, my mistake):
Given the amount of activity you’ve applied to arguing about these topics (you wrote 82 LW posts during the last 1.5 years), I must say this is astonishing!
XiXiDu hasn’t read the sequences? How is he able to quote-mine Eliezer so effectively?
To be fair, he doesn’t mine Eliezer particularly effectively. Just often. I could quote mine to make Eliezer look like a dick far more effectively (having actually read Eliezer’s posts and understood what he says well enough to be able to pick out the ones that can be twisted the worst).
See this recent discussion with Yvain:
Vladimir (not Yvain, my mistake):