Although I suppose to YOU it wouldn’t be a lie, since your intuitions on truth make everything you say automatically true
That’s not what I am arguing a all. I am only appealing to the widespread idea that a subjects
testimony about their own subjective tastes, thougnts, beliefs and preferences is correct by default. I don’t think people can subjectivey make 2+2=5, if that needs pointing out.I chose
liking vanilla as an example for a reason.
Maybe you are just very bad at reading?
That is a rather ironic comment, given that you have badly misunderstood me.
That’s not what I am arguing a all. I am only appealing to the widespread idea that a subjects testimony about their own subjective tastes, thougnts, beliefs and preferences is correct by default. I don’t think people can subjectivey make 2+2=5, if that needs pointing out.I chose liking vanilla as an example for a reason.
That is a rather ironic comment, given that you have badly misunderstood me.