I’ve been assuming troll for a bit, but it seems silly to wager on it since you could just lie to me. Although I suppose to YOU it wouldn’t be a lie, since your intuitions on truth make everything you say automatically true. Neat trick, but it doesn’t really work when someone can link you to an actual working, usable definition of truth. Maybe you are just very bad at reading? If so, you might want to try a different site. We use a lot of big words here.
I suppose I shouldn’t feed you, but I’m finding you a sort of adorable troll. Not that I’ll actually be responding further :)
Although I suppose to YOU it wouldn’t be a lie, since your intuitions on truth make everything you say automatically true
That’s not what I am arguing a all. I am only appealing to the widespread idea that a subjects
testimony about their own subjective tastes, thougnts, beliefs and preferences is correct by default. I don’t think people can subjectivey make 2+2=5, if that needs pointing out.I chose
liking vanilla as an example for a reason.
Maybe you are just very bad at reading?
That is a rather ironic comment, given that you have badly misunderstood me.
I suppose I shouldn’t feed you, but I’m finding you a sort of adorable troll. Not that I’ll actually be responding further :)
In case you need help making up your mind, I have added Peterdjones to my ignore list a month or two ago, after realizing the futility of the discussions I had had with him/her before then. Having scanned through what they wrote since, I realize that this was indeed a good choice.
Umm, it’s in my head :) After years on IRC and online forums I found that this to be a useful way to prevent people from getting under my skin. Once someone is classified as incapable of an intelligent discussion I find the stuff they write not nearly as annoying. YMMV.
I’ve been assuming troll for a bit, but it seems silly to wager on it since you could just lie to me. Although I suppose to YOU it wouldn’t be a lie, since your intuitions on truth make everything you say automatically true. Neat trick, but it doesn’t really work when someone can link you to an actual working, usable definition of truth. Maybe you are just very bad at reading? If so, you might want to try a different site. We use a lot of big words here.
I suppose I shouldn’t feed you, but I’m finding you a sort of adorable troll. Not that I’ll actually be responding further :)
That’s not what I am arguing a all. I am only appealing to the widespread idea that a subjects testimony about their own subjective tastes, thougnts, beliefs and preferences is correct by default. I don’t think people can subjectivey make 2+2=5, if that needs pointing out.I chose liking vanilla as an example for a reason.
That is a rather ironic comment, given that you have badly misunderstood me.
In case you need help making up your mind, I have added Peterdjones to my ignore list a month or two ago, after realizing the futility of the discussions I had had with him/her before then. Having scanned through what they wrote since, I realize that this was indeed a good choice.
Oooh, I didn’t realize there was an ignore list. Thank you indeed :)
Umm, it’s in my head :) After years on IRC and online forums I found that this to be a useful way to prevent people from getting under my skin. Once someone is classified as incapable of an intelligent discussion I find the stuff they write not nearly as annoying. YMMV.
Oh, you’re the person who doens’t believe in reality. I don’t mind you ingoring me, but you should really have chat with handoflixue.