You can’t trust spell-checkers—their vocabulary lists tend to be incomplete.
I recommend at least going to a search engine if you have a strong intuition about how a word should be spelled.
It’s not that intuition is entirely reliable, either. It was a hard fight to convince me that it should be irrelevant rather than irrelevent. Now they both look wrong.
I thought it was spelled that way, but Firefox said it was wrong :/
Firefox is correct: “lyme disease” is wrong. What’s wrong is not the spelling but the capitalization.
When I right-click on “lyme” in firefox, it suggests capitalization, just like it does for “firefox.”
I didn’t know about right-clicking on words that a spell-checker says are wrong.
You can’t trust spell-checkers—their vocabulary lists tend to be incomplete.
I recommend at least going to a search engine if you have a strong intuition about how a word should be spelled.
It’s not that intuition is entirely reliable, either. It was a hard fight to convince me that it should be irrelevant rather than irrelevent. Now they both look wrong.