I appreciate your supportive encouragement. This story took place over a year ago. I have had plenty of time to wrestle with the competing values. This wasn’t the first time I chose to abandon a project which potentially could have helped people at scale. I have limited resources. I have to make hard decisions. I like making hard decisions because the act of facing hard decisions implies I’m living life to the fullest.
I don’t think I need Karpman’s Drama Triangle right not but I do see the connection. It definitely would have helped me if I had read it ten years ago, but that is an unrelated story I do not expect to ever publish.
I appreciate your supportive encouragement. This story took place over a year ago. I have had plenty of time to wrestle with the competing values. This wasn’t the first time I chose to abandon a project which potentially could have helped people at scale. I have limited resources. I have to make hard decisions. I like making hard decisions because the act of facing hard decisions implies I’m living life to the fullest.
I don’t think I need Karpman’s Drama Triangle right not but I do see the connection. It definitely would have helped me if I had read it ten years ago, but that is an unrelated story I do not expect to ever publish.