Alex Flint on “A software engineer’s perspective on logical induction”
This Sunday at noon PT, Alex Flint will be giving a short talk on how he thinks about Logical Induction from a software engineer’s perspective. He describes the talk as “My attempt to understand and re-explain logical induction as a practical alternative to probability.”
We’ll be meeting in the Walled Garden at noon, on Sunday April 18th.
Any way this one can be recorded? The main bits, regardless of subsequent small-group discussions.
I attempted to record this but accidentally did so in a way that didn’t capture audio.
I would say that, if-and-only-if it’s still alive for Alex, I’d enjoy him just writing down the basic things he said in his talk in like a couple of paragraphs, both the preamble at the top and his 4 slides or so.
How many times have I done similar… :D
Thanks for attempting though!
Guy- the slides are available here:
Would love to chat with you 1-1 about this if you’re interested. Perhaps we could even record a 1-1 conversation and post it for others.
I was also hoping to see a recording—if you give the talk again, or have a conversation like this, I’d be interested to check it or a recording out.
Code for the talk today:
Slides from the talk: