I am in agreement on the idea of more delicate phrasing towards more socially-normalised and acceptable phrases. For extra clarity—this place (lesswrong) is a garden of niceness, try to make whatever you say be and sound a few levels nicer; wherever possible. (this is not the first time I have pointed something out in your direction of this nature)
I am not sure if you put into action the idea of being more delicate when I previously mentioned it, if not—I would like to encourage you to try it; if you had—I would suggest that you need to try even harder to be more delicate.
What you have included is not only NSFW and offensive but describes highly illegal activities. I’d strongly advise you to remove it immediately.
EDIT: Not that I’m suggesting that crimes should be covered up, but at least if the link is removed it can be dealt with a little more quietly.
In my humble opinion; some of the inclusions in your files are likely to make people uncomfortable. (I agree with the above post)
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I am in agreement on the idea of more delicate phrasing towards more socially-normalised and acceptable phrases. For extra clarity—this place (lesswrong) is a garden of niceness, try to make whatever you say be and sound a few levels nicer; wherever possible. (this is not the first time I have pointed something out in your direction of this nature)
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I am not sure if you put into action the idea of being more delicate when I previously mentioned it, if not—I would like to encourage you to try it; if you had—I would suggest that you need to try even harder to be more delicate.